Cutanea desired an open and inviting booth to promote the initial market entry of Aktipak™. Aktipak™ is a portable, freshly mixed, patient-blended therapy that offers a convenient treatment option for acne patients.
Exhibit: Poretta & Orr designed and built a 20’ x 30’ exhibit that debuted at AAD. The exhibit design draws on the nine orange ovals of the Cutanea logo, exemplifying the company tagline, “Revitalizing Skin Health.”
Program Management: P&O managed booth space, housing, the pre-con meeting, private meeting/suite space, and an in-booth frozen yogurt station for Cutanea.
Booth Promo: Orange and vanilla swirled frozen yogurt represented the mixing of the actual product. Custom cups stating “mixed fresh” also promoted the product tie-in.
Events: Cutanea held a P.R. event to launch Aktipak™ at the Living Seas in EPCOT in Orlando. The following evening, Cutanea again hosted an event at the Living Sea’s, this time as an Inaugural Physicians private event. CEO & President Bob Bitterman Sr. spoke about Aktipak™ and the effects in the marketplace. Both events offered an evening of education, food, fireworks and fun for all.
All the show activities effectively tied in the marketing of the product, leading to great discussions and booth traffic. Numerous reporters and more than 75 guests came out to learn more about Aktipak™ at the P.R. and K.O.L. events.